Sunday, 10 November 2013

Always a meaning

I finished my own personalised sugar skull at last (hurrah!) I'm pleased with it if I'm honest. The flowers, the tear drops, the love hearts and even the crosses (I'm an atheist but I do believe in the faith and hope that every religion carries). The writing, instead of a web that would symbolise death, is actually my tattoo that I have on the side of my right foot.

It says "la mia bella principessa", which any of you Italian folks know, means 'my beautiful princess'. It sounds cheesy, but the meaning is not.

My great nan, who I adored so much, passed away about 18 months ago. I was always close to her, even though she lived in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and I lived in Southampton, England. We spoke on the phone weekly and whenever we would she each other, we would just have a laugh. She was no ordinary great grandmother, she was my crazy Italian great grandmother that I looked up to in so many ways. I was her first great grandchild, and when I was young I have the biggest blue eyes and red curly hair, and she called me her 'beautiful princess'. I still think about her everyday, and no decision is made without thinking of her view and her wacky answer that she would come up with.

Nothing should be made without a meaning behind it, whether be a decision or something creative. Rarely any good pieces of art or otherwise are made without a true meaning.

But back to the skull, I will eventually get round to the colour. But for now, I'm going to spend more time on my pencil and pen techniques, yay!

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