love Company Magazine. I follow them on instagram (my username is ‘jemmleigh’
if anyone is interested) and today I saw a couple of posts about the label Mint
Velvet. They have their own website here,
I think the designs are very contemporary casual. They’re
simplistic, but comfy. And if I’m honest, for a label like Mint Velvet, with
the range of designs and the quality of their clothing, I don’t think the
pricing is too much. Definitely have a look, it is well worth it!
Back to Company’s instagram, I saw some really interesting
print on a bomber jacket, peg leg trousers and miniskirts, and I assume its
press day for SS14, because I couldn’t find any print like that anywhere on
their website. Definitely will be keeping an eye on their site, and my bank balance
as a student if I want to buy some of their clothing!